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The Snowball Effect blog

Read our latest articles and news about investing in private companies

Ten Snowball milestones from the last ten years

We’re excited to share that August 2024 marks our 10th birthday - 10 years since we launched New Zealand’s first private equity platform. It seems like just yesterday that Snowball Effect’s fou…

Projectworks – business growth post their Snowball capital raise

Over the last 10 years, we’ve had the pleasure of raising capital for a diverse range of high-growth New Zealand businesses. In our latest blog series, we’re revisiting some of those key company c…

Considering private market and alternative investments in your portfolio

Private market investments have been steadily growing in popularity among investors, with many investors increasingly including them as part of a well-diversified investment portfolio. If you’re lef…

Case study: Starboard Maritime Intelligence

Starboard Maritime Intelligence is a maritime domain awareness platform designed to tackle illegal fishing and transnational crime, prevent biosecurity outbreaks, and protect at-sea assets.Snowball Ef…

Snowball Effect capital raise recap: Q4 2023 and Q1 2024

The 2023 calendar year drew to a close with several exciting capital raises featured on Snowball Effect’s platform for New Zealand businesses in the agri-tech, beverages, and transport industries. T…

How to stay safe while using Snowball Effect

OverviewAs Snowball Effect operates in the Financial Services sector, we take security seriously and are constantly reworking our systems and processes to ensure the safety of our investors and our ow…

Meet the team: Emily Heazlewood

Along with Emily Heazlewood’s 9-5 role as Snowball Effect’s Director of Partnerships & Growth, she’s also juggling her passion project, the recently launched dating app Amor App, and running an …

How Snowball Effect launched Orchestra and its acquisition by Sharesies

We were thrilled to see our friends at Orchestra announce in April 2024 that they will be joining the team at Sharesies. Sharesies's acquisition of Orchestra is an exciting next step for the platform,…

Raising capital during an economic downturn

Raising capital for your business, whatever the economic conditions, requires a high level of organisation, pre-work and focus. But throw into the mix an economic downturn, and the conditions can beco…

Snowball Effect’s 2022 year in review

As 2022 draws to a close, we’re grateful for our community of investors and the network of high-growth businesses that have enabled us to reach some exciting milestones this year. Our co-founder a…

$150m Capital Raise Milestone for Snowball Effect

We’re delighted to share that over NZ$150m of capital has been invested via our platform. This is an exciting milestone to have reached in a year that has seen significant global economic shifts. Ho…

Ways to keep your investors engaged following a capital raise

As a company, it can be all too easy to forget about your investors once your capital raise has closed and the money is deposited in your bank account. That is until your business needs to raise funds…

NZ investment platform options

Local investors have an increasing number of options when it comes to ways to grow an investment portfolio. From public share markets to private equity, New Zealand investors have a range of online pl…

Snowball Effect's summary of 2021

As 2021 draws to a close, our team has reflected on the year that was, and have pulled to get some statistics around platform activity for another record-breaking year with $38m raised. We wish you a…

$100m milestone

We’re thrilled to announce we have raised over NZ$100m of capital for New Zealand businesses. Since we launched Snowball Effect in 2014, we’ve helped over 50 Kiwi companies successfully raise capi…

Investing in private companies: Risk vs Reward

Building a portfolio of investments is one way to get ahead financially. But it’s important to understand the different types of investments and what returns and benefits you can expect from each. …

Partnering with OurCrowd to provide NZ investors with global venture capital opportunities

We’re proud to have recently partnered with the world’s leading technology and venture capital investment platform, OurCrowd. The partnership enabled New Zealand wholesale investors with a simp…

Essential capital raising checklist

Are you considering raising capital for your business? But are you unsure where to start, what your options are and what you need to prepare? Then take a look at our checklist below. Since launchin…